Monday, 24 March 2014

Who I write like

So, in this group that I'm a member of on Facebook, someone posted a link to find out which famous author you write like. I put in part of the preface of my original novel to be analyzed and it said that I write like Margaret Atwood. I haven't read anything by Mrs. Atwood but maybe I should start now. I don't know how accurate this thing is but I still think its pretty cool. I posted the badge on my blog and if you want to check it out to see who you write like you can.

For those of you that don't know about my original novel, I wrote it in a month in 2012. My friend told me that I should be apart of The National Novel Writing Month which takes place every November. I wasn't sure if I was going to do it at first but at the last minute I decided to sign up and see if I could write my own novel, and it turns out that I can write my own characters.

It's 14 chapters long and I'm currently in the process of editing it and hopefully I'll get with a publishing house and be able to sell it, I had sent it to a publishing house after I finished it but they turned it down but that didn't get me down. I'm going to try again when I have time to work on it; probably after I finish college.

My novel has to be my greatest achievements to date and I was happy that my mom got to hold a first edition of it before she passed. I was glad that there was a offer on the website for those that wrote 50 k words to get 5 free copies of their book and that's what I did so that my mom would be able to see it. Little did I know that she would pass in early 2013. It saddens me to know that she won't get to see if I ever really do get it published or not but I glad that she got to see, hold and read the first, unedited edition of it.