Tuesday 25 June 2019

New Story- Death Takes A Holiday

Hey everyone,

So, I've finally published a new original story. I honestly think it's shit but I had to get something written for the story exchange that I was apart of.

The banner is kick-ass, the story, not so much.


Link: Death Takes A Holiday

Thursday 5 July 2018

I finally published a book

Hi all,

I know that it's been awhile since I've posted in here. A lot has happen since the last time I made a blog post; like a lot. And for awhile I wasn't writing; shocking I know, but it has to do with the shit that happened since my last post.

Anyways, I'm going to try and keep this update; hopefully. However, there is something very exciting that I want to share with y'all. Like the title of this post says, I've finally published my first book. It's a short story, only 10k words but it's something; of course I'm the only one that's bought a copy LOL.

I'm hoping that this will inspire me to start writing again; as it's helped me to start reading again.

Also, I'm officially a Goodreads Author now, so you can stalk me over there as well.

Here is the link where my book can be bought: Night n' Day
And here is the link to my offical Goodreads Author page: Goodread's author page

Ok,  that's it for now and yes I am working on two new stories but the process is slow; I don't hear the voices in my head often anymore to make writing fast.

Till next time.

Monday 7 March 2016

Vampires, Werewolves and Hunters... Oh My

So, I wrote this story for The Non-Canon Mythical Creatures contest and I took home a few awards. Mostly bronze but 2 silver and 1 gold. It's a Supernatural/Twilight crossover and one that I hope to continue writing after working on my new original story for a contest. Here are the award banners and once I get a story banner made up, I'll include it also. Thanks to everyone that voted for me.

Summary: Bella knew that vampires were real, thanks to her ex boyfriend Edward Cullen who happened to be one, and she eventually found out that werewolves were real, also thanks to her ex best friend Jacob Black. What she didn't know was that there were Hunters in the world and they knew how to kill everything: because there were a lot of things Bella thought to be fairy tales, were real.

Link to storyVampires, Werewolves and Hunters... Oh My

Winning banners



Saturday 20 February 2016

Supernatural Drabbles

So, my newest obsession is Supernatural and I've written some drabbles based on the characters from the show. I just posted a new drabble that was from a meme I found on Facebook, I promised that I would put it here for all to see, so here you go.

Here is the link to the drabbles, this pic is for the 5th chapter: Supernatural Drabbles

Wednesday 20 January 2016

It's Where My Demons Hide

So, it's the 20th which means that I can now post my new story that I was writing for FAGE. This year I got my friend Falling Stars and this is the story I wrote for her.

It's Where My Demons Hide

Summary: To the outside world, he looked like an ordinary Hobbit but what was hiding inside of him was a demon waiting to spring out

Saturday 9 January 2016

The Winchesters

So, I've made a video showcasing my love of Supernatural and Jensen, Jared and Misha.

I'm hoping that I can meet these men in Oct at the Toronto Supernatural Convention.

Thursday 29 October 2015

Pic Prompt from Hi, Sweetheart

So, I have just updated my Drabble stories on FF and this time around it's a Supernatural smut fic and this is the pic that goes along with it.

And here is the link to the chapter: Hi Sweetheart