Monday 7 March 2016

Vampires, Werewolves and Hunters... Oh My

So, I wrote this story for The Non-Canon Mythical Creatures contest and I took home a few awards. Mostly bronze but 2 silver and 1 gold. It's a Supernatural/Twilight crossover and one that I hope to continue writing after working on my new original story for a contest. Here are the award banners and once I get a story banner made up, I'll include it also. Thanks to everyone that voted for me.

Summary: Bella knew that vampires were real, thanks to her ex boyfriend Edward Cullen who happened to be one, and she eventually found out that werewolves were real, also thanks to her ex best friend Jacob Black. What she didn't know was that there were Hunters in the world and they knew how to kill everything: because there were a lot of things Bella thought to be fairy tales, were real.

Link to storyVampires, Werewolves and Hunters... Oh My

Winning banners



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