So, I have just updated my Drabble stories on FF and this time around it's a Supernatural smut fic and this is the pic that goes along with it.
And here is the link to the chapter: Hi Sweetheart
Welcome to my writing world. Here I'll post stories that I'm working on, pics that goes along with chapters and any music inspiration for that story or chapter. And anything else writing related.
Thursday, 29 October 2015
Saturday, 24 October 2015
Happy Halloween from The Winchesters
So, I'm trying to write in a new fandom, this time I am going for Supernatural and here is my first story in this fandom. There will be a part 2, I have it written, just not feeling it write now, so I am going to work on it some more and then post it up. But for now, enjoy the first half. Much love to my banner maker MarieCarro
Summary: It's Halloween and the guys are bored, so much to Dean's chagrin, they decided to dress up and head to a Halloween party with Cas in tow. Dean/OC, Sam/OC, Cas/OC.
Link: Happy Halloween from The Winchesters
So, I also had this other pic made, it's what I would look like standing next to Dean, it's just a fun little pic.
Summary: It's Halloween and the guys are bored, so much to Dean's chagrin, they decided to dress up and head to a Halloween party with Cas in tow. Dean/OC, Sam/OC, Cas/OC.
Link: Happy Halloween from The Winchesters
So, I also had this other pic made, it's what I would look like standing next to Dean, it's just a fun little pic.
Thursday, 1 October 2015
Writing Motivation
So, recently I have decided to go back and work on my novella, "Celebrity Crush" because I can't seem to get in to my fan fiction stories right now (though that better change and soon because I sighed up to the author story exchange again this year; thankfully I have till Jan to post the story.) I was thinking that maybe, if I can get the first draft done before November, that I can join NANOWRIMO again to see if I can make the story better. I'm going to talk to a fellow writer and see how she goes about getting pre-readers and editors for her novellas and then see about getting it out on the market. I haven't given up my dream of seeing my name on a book; one that doesn't have thousands of mistakes like Lizzy did, but an actual one that people want to buy.
The same writer who I am thinking about talking to once I get the first draft of CC done recently asked for some writing motivation pics and I had fun finding these ones for her that I thought I put them here and come and look at them when I am needing some inspiration; thank god we like the same shows LOL
The same writer who I am thinking about talking to once I get the first draft of CC done recently asked for some writing motivation pics and I had fun finding these ones for her that I thought I put them here and come and look at them when I am needing some inspiration; thank god we like the same shows LOL
Friday, 12 June 2015
Letters-chapter 7- Jasper's belongings
So, in chapter 7 of Letters, I described things that Jasper had in his office and I thought it would be cool to show what I had in mind here. I also have received a new banner made by my friend Jasper'sGoddessOfWar and so I'm including it also in this post.
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Jasper's framed Civil War flag |
Jasper's uniform; not exactly of course |
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Jasper's swords; not exactly of course |
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Jasper's desk;uncluttered |
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Banner by Jasper'sGoddessOfWar |
Sunday, 31 May 2015
So, recently I have been working on a new fanfic called "Letters" Its Twilight, Jasper/Bella and it's rated M.
I wanted to try and get back to writing again because I really missed it and so I started working on this story. It's not something I've done before, Alice is nice in it (Shocker I know LOL) but I think it will be fun, don't know how many chapters it's going to be but I hope I don't lose steam on it.
I want to thank TheDarkestFallingStars for making the banner for me, it's so pretty.
Summary: Ever since Bella meet Jasper, she was intrigued by him and wanted to learn all about him because she had a feeling that he wasn't like the other but because of stupid, over protected vampires, they had to find another way to get to know each other, so they started to write letters and hide them in places where the others couldn't find them.
Link: Letters
I wanted to try and get back to writing again because I really missed it and so I started working on this story. It's not something I've done before, Alice is nice in it (Shocker I know LOL) but I think it will be fun, don't know how many chapters it's going to be but I hope I don't lose steam on it.
I want to thank TheDarkestFallingStars for making the banner for me, it's so pretty.
Summary: Ever since Bella meet Jasper, she was intrigued by him and wanted to learn all about him because she had a feeling that he wasn't like the other but because of stupid, over protected vampires, they had to find another way to get to know each other, so they started to write letters and hide them in places where the others couldn't find them.
Link: Letters
Monday, 2 March 2015
Into the Great Wide Open
So, I'm working on a new story collaboration with my best friend Star. It's Bella/James and here is the banner and link to it. There will be pics, just need to get them out of Star's group and post them here as well
Link to story:Into The Great Wide Open
Link to story:Into The Great Wide Open
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
The King and The Servant Girl
So, I joined this group on Facebook for Richard Armitage (Thorin from The Hobbit) and lately I have been getting some inspiration for writing a Thorin/OC story. I'm not posting it to my ff account, only to here, the Thorin blog and the group. So, here are parts 1&2 and as always, I only nothing. All characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkin and I only play in his world.
Part 1
When you were younger, you had lost your parents in an battle and you didn’t have any other family. So King Thrain welcomed you into the castle, you had a small room off the kitchens and during the morning you worked in the kitchens and in the afternoon, you were given the chance to go to school. Thorin was the same age as you and so you often would see him playing out in the courtyard with his sister and friends. There were days that you longed to be able to go and play with him but you knew your place, and that was not talking or playing with the future king unless he spoke to you first.
You were often caught watching Thorin and company playing by the kitchen staff and after they reprimanded you, you went back to work but you never stopped watching the future king. On a few occasions, Thorin saw you watching him and his friends playing and he would invite you to come and play as well but you would always shake your head and run off, you did this because you knew, if you went to play with them, you would never want to go back to the kitchens.
The years went on, you grew up still secretly watching the handsome future king when he was out in the courtyard working on fight training, the correct use of his sword and bow & arrow. You started to notice also that you had developed feelings for Thorin; romantic feelings. It hurt your heart when you would see Thorin flirting with the other dwarf maidens but you kept reminding yourself that you were nothing more that one of the help and Thorin would never look twice at you.
It was late one night and you couldn’t sleep, so you went for a walk through the courtyard. It was a beautiful summer evening, the moon hung high, bright and full in the sky and the stars were twinkling and winking at you as you passed. The calming sounds of the running water made you forget where you were and who you were. You had came to a clearing in the courtyard, there were no windows along this part of the wall, so you decided to just close your eyes and dance to the music of the night. You didn’t have a care in the world at that moment, all you could feel was the night music rushing through your body and the way that your body responded to the music.
You were spinning in circles when you crashed into something and hit the ground hard. You hear a booming laugh coming from above and your cringed knowing that someone had been watching you. You slowly open your eyes and look up and are instantly embarrassed because it is none other than Thorin standing above you with a broad grin on his face. You burn scarlett and mumble some words and scramble to get up while avoiding making eye contact with Thorin. You know that you have never been more embarrassed in your life and you wish that the earth would open up and swallow you whole.
Part 1
When you were younger, you had lost your parents in an battle and you didn’t have any other family. So King Thrain welcomed you into the castle, you had a small room off the kitchens and during the morning you worked in the kitchens and in the afternoon, you were given the chance to go to school. Thorin was the same age as you and so you often would see him playing out in the courtyard with his sister and friends. There were days that you longed to be able to go and play with him but you knew your place, and that was not talking or playing with the future king unless he spoke to you first.
You were often caught watching Thorin and company playing by the kitchen staff and after they reprimanded you, you went back to work but you never stopped watching the future king. On a few occasions, Thorin saw you watching him and his friends playing and he would invite you to come and play as well but you would always shake your head and run off, you did this because you knew, if you went to play with them, you would never want to go back to the kitchens.
The years went on, you grew up still secretly watching the handsome future king when he was out in the courtyard working on fight training, the correct use of his sword and bow & arrow. You started to notice also that you had developed feelings for Thorin; romantic feelings. It hurt your heart when you would see Thorin flirting with the other dwarf maidens but you kept reminding yourself that you were nothing more that one of the help and Thorin would never look twice at you.
It was late one night and you couldn’t sleep, so you went for a walk through the courtyard. It was a beautiful summer evening, the moon hung high, bright and full in the sky and the stars were twinkling and winking at you as you passed. The calming sounds of the running water made you forget where you were and who you were. You had came to a clearing in the courtyard, there were no windows along this part of the wall, so you decided to just close your eyes and dance to the music of the night. You didn’t have a care in the world at that moment, all you could feel was the night music rushing through your body and the way that your body responded to the music.
You were spinning in circles when you crashed into something and hit the ground hard. You hear a booming laugh coming from above and your cringed knowing that someone had been watching you. You slowly open your eyes and look up and are instantly embarrassed because it is none other than Thorin standing above you with a broad grin on his face. You burn scarlett and mumble some words and scramble to get up while avoiding making eye contact with Thorin. You know that you have never been more embarrassed in your life and you wish that the earth would open up and swallow you whole.
You feel a hand on your arm and the touch sends sparks coursing through your body. You try to keep breathing normally but it’s no good. The man whom you have loved for a long time was touching you. Your mind knows that it is nothing more than to assist you in standing up but your heart decides to hope; just a little bit, that he might have feelings for you.
“Come on, my lady. Let me help you up.” Thorin says in the beautiful voice of his.
“Come on, my lady. Let me help you up.” Thorin says in the beautiful voice of his.
You let him pull you up and after making sure that you hadn’t twisted your ankle, you bow to him and say, “Thank you, my King for the assistance. I am terribly sorry for banging in to you. Please forgive me, it won’t happen again.” You say this all while avoiding his eyes for fear of what you would see there. Your brain is screaming at you to register the fact that Thorin had yet to release your hand but you don’t want to acknowledge it, for fear that you brain would make up wild stories and images as to why he is still holding your hand.
“You have nothing to be sorry for my lady for it was I who didn’t announce my presence to you. If anything, I should be the one to apologize to you for making you bump into me.” Thorin replies with a light chuckle.
“You have nothing to be sorry for my lady for it was I who didn’t announce my presence to you. If anything, I should be the one to apologize to you for making you bump into me.” Thorin replies with a light chuckle.
“Oh no, my King. You should never have to apologize to one such as myself.” You reply.
“Why do you say that my lady?” he questioned.
“Because I am merely a servant, one that should only been seen when serving you food and only be spoken to when you deem it acceptable to speak to me.” You answer and start to pull your hand from his grasp. You have let this go on long enough and you needed to remind yourself of who exactly you were in the castle.
“Because I am merely a servant, one that should only been seen when serving you food and only be spoken to when you deem it acceptable to speak to me.” You answer and start to pull your hand from his grasp. You have let this go on long enough and you needed to remind yourself of who exactly you were in the castle.
However, Thorin was in no mind to let your hand go, in fact he only tighten his hold on you. You breath heavy wishing that you were not just some servant girl but someone who has the right to stand next to him. But wishing and dreaming do nothing for a servant, for that is what you would always be, nothing more than a servant. So again, you attempt to withdraw your hand from Thorin’s and again, he only tightens his hold on you.
“Please your highness, let me go so that I might save myself from even more embarrassment.” you plead.
“No, I am not done speaking with you, my lady.” he says with much force behind the words.
“Well then Sire, please say what you must and then let me go.” you answer with a sigh.
“First off, my name is Thorin. Not sire, not highness and not king. When you are talking to me, I expect you to us my given name....” You try to break in to let him know that you can’t do that, but he just shakes his head and continues. “Secondly, you are far more than just a servant. You are first and foremost, a lady, just because you had to work in the kitchens when you lost your family doesn’t take away from that fact. Thirdly, if I want to apologize to you than I will and there is nothing that you can say that will make me not apologize, for as I had stated earlier, it was completely my fault, our collision and I being the proper gentleman that I am, must apologize to one such as fair as yourself.”
“Oh, Thorin,” you sigh. You have longed to hear him say romantic words to you and now here he is calling you fair and you know that he shouldn’t be.
“What did I say now to upset you?” he questions while looking thoroughly confused.
“Everything you are saying is upsetting me,” you reply while your heart is breaking.
“I am afraid that I don’t understand,” Thorin says and you can see that he truly doesn’t.
You know that he isn’t letting go of your hand any time soon, so you lead him over to one of the stone benches and take a seat and tell him why everything is so upsetting.
“Thorin, you are speaking to me as if I am one of the Dwarf maidens, you should only be speaking to me as a servant for that is what I am. You should know this, you were bred to be King.”
“I still don’t know what you working in the kitchens has to do with anything,” Thorin replies hotly. “I like you, I have since you first came to the castle. I wanted to get to know you, to let you come and play in the games with me but you never did.”
“That’s because I know my place in this castle,” you cry.
“Please your highness, let me go so that I might save myself from even more embarrassment.” you plead.
“No, I am not done speaking with you, my lady.” he says with much force behind the words.
“Well then Sire, please say what you must and then let me go.” you answer with a sigh.
“First off, my name is Thorin. Not sire, not highness and not king. When you are talking to me, I expect you to us my given name....” You try to break in to let him know that you can’t do that, but he just shakes his head and continues. “Secondly, you are far more than just a servant. You are first and foremost, a lady, just because you had to work in the kitchens when you lost your family doesn’t take away from that fact. Thirdly, if I want to apologize to you than I will and there is nothing that you can say that will make me not apologize, for as I had stated earlier, it was completely my fault, our collision and I being the proper gentleman that I am, must apologize to one such as fair as yourself.”
“Oh, Thorin,” you sigh. You have longed to hear him say romantic words to you and now here he is calling you fair and you know that he shouldn’t be.
“What did I say now to upset you?” he questions while looking thoroughly confused.
“Everything you are saying is upsetting me,” you reply while your heart is breaking.
“I am afraid that I don’t understand,” Thorin says and you can see that he truly doesn’t.
You know that he isn’t letting go of your hand any time soon, so you lead him over to one of the stone benches and take a seat and tell him why everything is so upsetting.
“Thorin, you are speaking to me as if I am one of the Dwarf maidens, you should only be speaking to me as a servant for that is what I am. You should know this, you were bred to be King.”
“I still don’t know what you working in the kitchens has to do with anything,” Thorin replies hotly. “I like you, I have since you first came to the castle. I wanted to get to know you, to let you come and play in the games with me but you never did.”
“That’s because I know my place in this castle,” you cry.
Thorin threw up his hands clearly frustrated that you were still holding strong on the fact that you knew your place and that he should know his as well. It was the first time since helping you up that he had let go of your hand and you considered making a run for it but it was as if you were rooted to the spot, you couldn’t move.
Thorin looked at you and in one swift moment, he had his hand on your head and he was crashing his lips against yours in a heated kiss. The fingers on his right hand started to tangle in your hair while his left hand went to your back and started to run up and down your spine. You wanted to stop the kiss but your body had other ideas as your hands snaked around his neck and went into his hair and you kept pulling him closer.
Thorin looked at you and in one swift moment, he had his hand on your head and he was crashing his lips against yours in a heated kiss. The fingers on his right hand started to tangle in your hair while his left hand went to your back and started to run up and down your spine. You wanted to stop the kiss but your body had other ideas as your hands snaked around his neck and went into his hair and you kept pulling him closer.
You wanted to be molded to his body, you wanted to stay kissing him forever, you wished that you could be one. For in this moment, your heart was bursting with the love that you held for this man, your future King. You needed to breathe sadly and so your started to pull away; but you didn’t want to, Thorin kissed you a twice more and then he leaned his forehead against yours.
You eyes were still closed, you didn’t want to open them because then the spell would be broken and you would be back to being the simple servant girl and Thorin would be back to being the King. You eventually opened your eyes and saw that Thorin had his open as well, he had a huge smile on his face and your brain made you believe that love was shining in his eyes for you.
You eyes were still closed, you didn’t want to open them because then the spell would be broken and you would be back to being the simple servant girl and Thorin would be back to being the King. You eventually opened your eyes and saw that Thorin had his open as well, he had a huge smile on his face and your brain made you believe that love was shining in his eyes for you.
Without a second thought, you ran from Thorin and that spot where your dream and come true and shattered all in the same few moments. Thorin kept shouting your name but you didn’t turn back, you just kept running to your room. Once you were in your room and the door was locked, you collapsed on to your bed and cried for all that you were worth. You could literally feel your heart shattering.
Over the next couple of weeks, you made sure to stay clear of Thorin and at nights you made sure not to go out of your room. You were thinking of leaving, you couldn’t stand being at the castle anymore. Every time Thorin saw you, he would try to talk with you but you just hurried off with mumbled apologies, sometimes you would look back and see the hurt in his eyes but there was nothing you could do. No King would ever give permission for a future King to marry a servant girl.
You had gathered all of your belongings and what money you had, you had no idea of where you were going but you didn’t care. You left a note saying that you weren’t returning and left, it was at that moment the horns started to blow and you knew that a dragon had come. It would be the perfect chance for you to slip away without notice as everyone was running in terror from the dragon. You just began to run with the crowd and you didn’t look back.
Part 2
It had been two years since you left the dragon fire behind you. You spent some time living in King Thranduil’s palace taking care of the Prince Legolas. It was an odd thing for the Elvin King to let a Dwarf Maiden live and work in his palace but there was something about you that reminded King Thranduil of his late wife; it could have also been the fact that upon first meet Thranduil, you didn’t take any of his shit and he admired you for that.
You stayed with Thranduil and Legolas for a year and a half and then you moved on. You kept going west, you stayed in Rivendell for a few months and eventually found yourself living on the outskirts of The Shire. The Hobbits who lived near you were nice but they pretty much left you on your own. They never questioned why a Dwarf Maiden was living in Hobbitation and you were thankful for that.
Over the next couple of weeks, you made sure to stay clear of Thorin and at nights you made sure not to go out of your room. You were thinking of leaving, you couldn’t stand being at the castle anymore. Every time Thorin saw you, he would try to talk with you but you just hurried off with mumbled apologies, sometimes you would look back and see the hurt in his eyes but there was nothing you could do. No King would ever give permission for a future King to marry a servant girl.
You had gathered all of your belongings and what money you had, you had no idea of where you were going but you didn’t care. You left a note saying that you weren’t returning and left, it was at that moment the horns started to blow and you knew that a dragon had come. It would be the perfect chance for you to slip away without notice as everyone was running in terror from the dragon. You just began to run with the crowd and you didn’t look back.
Part 2
It had been two years since you left the dragon fire behind you. You spent some time living in King Thranduil’s palace taking care of the Prince Legolas. It was an odd thing for the Elvin King to let a Dwarf Maiden live and work in his palace but there was something about you that reminded King Thranduil of his late wife; it could have also been the fact that upon first meet Thranduil, you didn’t take any of his shit and he admired you for that.
You stayed with Thranduil and Legolas for a year and a half and then you moved on. You kept going west, you stayed in Rivendell for a few months and eventually found yourself living on the outskirts of The Shire. The Hobbits who lived near you were nice but they pretty much left you on your own. They never questioned why a Dwarf Maiden was living in Hobbitation and you were thankful for that.
On one of your trips into town, you meet Bilbo Baggins and the two of you got on very well, he would invite you to tea at his house and you would do the same. He was the only person that you ever told your full story to; not even Thranduil who you considered one of your greatest friends know of your feelings for Thorin, but there was just something about Bilbo that made you feel comfortable in telling him all about your past.
One night, when you were having tea with Bilbo, there came a knock on the door. Bilbo went to answer it while you went into the kitchen to get some more hot water for another cup of tea. The person with whom Bilbo was speaking to was unfamiliar to you though you knew it was a fellow dwarf. You wondered who it could be and why there were here, before long, you were able to hear a chair scraping across the floor and someone sitting down heavily in the chair. You were about to go out and see who it was when you heard another knock on the door but this time, you knew who the person was that Bilbo was talking to, it was a voice from your past, it was Balin.
You were surprised and wondered why he was here. Balin greeted the other dwarf and you heard another chair scraping across the floor and then you hear Balin sit. Before you left the kitchen; because you were still deciding on if you wanted to leave the kitchen and see others of your kin, or if you just wanted to escape out the window and rush back to your house, there came about three more knocks on the door and you could also hear that Bilbo was getting frustrated.
You knew that soon you would have to make a decision of whether you were staying or not because there wasn’t enough food set out on the table and based on the noise level, there were at least ten dwarfs out there. Bilbo came in to the kitchen and in a whisper you said, “what is going on out there?”
You were surprised and wondered why he was here. Balin greeted the other dwarf and you heard another chair scraping across the floor and then you hear Balin sit. Before you left the kitchen; because you were still deciding on if you wanted to leave the kitchen and see others of your kin, or if you just wanted to escape out the window and rush back to your house, there came about three more knocks on the door and you could also hear that Bilbo was getting frustrated.
You knew that soon you would have to make a decision of whether you were staying or not because there wasn’t enough food set out on the table and based on the noise level, there were at least ten dwarfs out there. Bilbo came in to the kitchen and in a whisper you said, “what is going on out there?”
“For some odd reason, there are a ton of dwarfs and they keep talking about a quest.” Bilbo whispered back.
“But, what does that have to do with you?” you questioned.
“I haven’t a clue and when I try to find out, no one wants to answer my question.” was Bilbo’s response.
“Shall I go out and have a word with them? They are my kin afterall.” You asked.
“Are you sure you want to see them?” Bilbo wondered.
“I think I only know one of them out there,” you reply.
“Well, if you think that they will answer you, than go ahead.” Bilbo said looking a little relieved.
“Shall I go out and have a word with them? They are my kin afterall.” You asked.
“Are you sure you want to see them?” Bilbo wondered.
“I think I only know one of them out there,” you reply.
“Well, if you think that they will answer you, than go ahead.” Bilbo said looking a little relieved.
You nod your head and head out of the kitchen. You can see that the table had been moved to the middle of the long hallway and every seat was taken around the table. The dwarfs didn’t notice you, so you were able to survey them.
After a few minutes, you took a deep breath and moved more so that you could speak to the dwarfs.
“Excuse me,” you called out.
Every head turned to look in your direction, you could see confusion on every face except for Balin who looked surprised to see you.
“I’m terribly sorry to bother you but you see, this is my friend Bilbo’s house and he han’t a clue as to why you are all here. So would one of you please, tell me why you are hear.” you questioned.
The dwarfs were silent for a few moments and you began to wonder if you were ever going to get an answer. For a fifth time, there was another knock on the door and this time you went to answer it. When you pulled the round door open, you were surprised to see a wizard standing on the other side.
After a few minutes, you took a deep breath and moved more so that you could speak to the dwarfs.
“Excuse me,” you called out.
Every head turned to look in your direction, you could see confusion on every face except for Balin who looked surprised to see you.
“I’m terribly sorry to bother you but you see, this is my friend Bilbo’s house and he han’t a clue as to why you are all here. So would one of you please, tell me why you are hear.” you questioned.
The dwarfs were silent for a few moments and you began to wonder if you were ever going to get an answer. For a fifth time, there was another knock on the door and this time you went to answer it. When you pulled the round door open, you were surprised to see a wizard standing on the other side.
“Hello?” you say confused.
Ah, my dear, it’s so lovely to see you and I’m glad that you are here,” The wizard replied with a smile.
Ah, my dear, it’s so lovely to see you and I’m glad that you are here,” The wizard replied with a smile.
“Sorry, but have we meet before?” you question.
“Yes we have but you wouldn’t remember because you were very young at the time. I’m Gandalf.”
You knew that name, you’ve heard it before. “It’s a pleasure Mr. Gandalf, please come in.”
You move out of the way to admit Gandalf and you wonder if he was even going to fit. You were just about the close the door when Gandalf said, “it’s best if you just wait. He should be here in a few moments and I would hate for you to have to open the door again.”
“Who will be here?” you question.
“The leader of this company,” was Gandalf’s only reply before he went to join the others.
So, you stood there with the door open waiting for this mystery person to arrive. You were glad that it was a nice evening and you didn’t mind the light breeze that was blowing in. You kept checking every once in a while for the person to appear but didn’t see anything. You turned back in to face the hallway and said, “Mr. Gandalf, are you sure this person is coming?”
“You’re alive? I thought you to be one of the dead,” you hear come from behind you.
You knew that voice, that was the voice that haunted your dreams every night since you left.
Part 3
You slowly turn back around to face the doorway and your King. You stare at him for a few moments, neither of you say a word; after all what could you say?
“Thorin,” you finally breathe out. You can feel the eyes of everyone in Bilbo’s house on your back wondering what was going on.
“Yes we have but you wouldn’t remember because you were very young at the time. I’m Gandalf.”
You knew that name, you’ve heard it before. “It’s a pleasure Mr. Gandalf, please come in.”
You move out of the way to admit Gandalf and you wonder if he was even going to fit. You were just about the close the door when Gandalf said, “it’s best if you just wait. He should be here in a few moments and I would hate for you to have to open the door again.”
“Who will be here?” you question.
“The leader of this company,” was Gandalf’s only reply before he went to join the others.
So, you stood there with the door open waiting for this mystery person to arrive. You were glad that it was a nice evening and you didn’t mind the light breeze that was blowing in. You kept checking every once in a while for the person to appear but didn’t see anything. You turned back in to face the hallway and said, “Mr. Gandalf, are you sure this person is coming?”
“You’re alive? I thought you to be one of the dead,” you hear come from behind you.
You knew that voice, that was the voice that haunted your dreams every night since you left.
Part 3
You slowly turn back around to face the doorway and your King. You stare at him for a few moments, neither of you say a word; after all what could you say?
You move to admit Thorin into the house but Thorin doesn’t move, clearly he is waiting for a better reply than just his name. You sigh not wanting to do this in the house, so you slip pass Thorin, closing the door behind you. You begin to walk down Bilbo’s walkway, you know that you don’t have to tell Thorin to follow you because you can feel that he is. All the hairs on your body is standing on ends and all your nerve endings feel like a live wire.
At first you don’t know where you want to lead Thorin at first but eventually settle on taking him to your house. While walking, you are trying to figure out just what in the bloody hell you are going to say to him. You can tell that he is pissed that you took off without telling him but he is also relieved to know that you are still alive.
You reach your house, unlock the door and move into your house. You unclip your cloak and drape it across a chair and take a seat. You could see Thorin doing the same thing out of the corner of your eye and then he takes a seat opposite you in the living room. The silence stretching between you a Thorin is deafening and you know that you need to break it.
So, you take a deep breath and say, “Sir.... Thorin, I would like to apologize for leading you to believe that I was dead. I did plan to run away and was in the process of doing so when Smaug attacked.”
“Why did you want to leave the castle my lady?” Thorin asked and you can hear the pain in his voice.
“Because.... because of my feelings, I knew that if I stayed I would not be able to stop my feelings... for you,” you answer.
“What feelings?” Thorin questions.
“My King, I have loved you since the first day my eyes laid on you but I knew that because of what I was, I had not a chance with you. I figured that my feelings for you would just fade away over time but I had never been so wrong in my life before. Those feelings only got strong and it made it harder for me to be at the castle. And then when you kissed me and wouldn’t listen to me when I kept trying to stress that I was nothing more than a servant, I knew I had to leave. I couldn’t go on hoping that my feelings would leave anymore because that kiss made me think that I had a shot in hell with you.”
There, you said it, it was out there now, your feelings for Thorin and there was no way to take them back. You cast your eyes down after speaking knowing full well that if you looked at Thorin, you would start to cry. You had a feeling that by now Thorin was married to a worthy Dwarf woman and you also felt that he was about to tell you how silly your feelings were for him.
There, you said it, it was out there now, your feelings for Thorin and there was no way to take them back. You cast your eyes down after speaking knowing full well that if you looked at Thorin, you would start to cry. You had a feeling that by now Thorin was married to a worthy Dwarf woman and you also felt that he was about to tell you how silly your feelings were for him.
You felt a gentle hand on your face, moving towards your chin so that it could be lifted up. You stare into Thorin’s beautiful eyes and your heart pangs with want for him. Thorin’s eyes held so much emotion in them, you could see what seemed to be happiness, desire and was that lust in the corners? The next thing you know, Thorin is crashing his lips against your and the kiss is full of so much want and desire. The kiss is frantic and powerful, you lips feel on fire but it’s a good feeling and you never want it to end. Thorin pulls your head closer to him as if he’s trying to make sure that you never disappear from him again.
Thorin nibbles your bottom lip, which in turns makes your moan and Thorin takes that opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth. Your tongues battle for dominance but you give up knowing that Thorin wouldn’t let you win. You fist his hair in your hands and wish that you could melt in to him, so that you could become one.
Soon, your lungs start to burn with the need for air, you don’t want to end the kiss but you know that you have to and Thorin knows it as well, so he slows down the intensity of the kiss, and gently starts to pull away from you. He pecks you twice on the lips before he lays his forehead against yours. You both are breathing heavy and after a few minutes, you can breath normally and you wait for Thorin to speak.
“After the day that Smaug attacked, I searched and searched for you, I checked everywhere amongst the dead to see if I could find your body but I didn’t. I wondered if you were burnt so badly that I couldn’t even identify you. My heart broke and I wept for you, because I felt as if I lost part of my heart that day. Like you, I have been in love with you since the first day and I didn’t care that you were a servant because I would have married you no matter what.”
“Oh, Thorin,” you sign while wiping a few stray tears from your eyes over his pronouncement of his love for you. “I am so, so sorry Thorin for running,”
“Shhh love, it’s alright. You are in my arms and that is where you will stay. I will never let you go again and you will be my wife and my queen.”
You don’t respond, just fling your arms around Thorin and hug him for all your worth because you never want to let him go either. You whisper in his ear, “I hope you come up with a better proposal than that my King for asking for my hand in marriage.”
Thorin just chuckles and replies, “Don’t worry my lady, my official proposal will be so romantic that it will rival all other proposals in the past and the future.”
You smile knowing full well that his statement will be true.
Part 4
You stay wrapped in Thorin’s arms for awhile but sadly you realize that you both should get back to Bilbo’s house because you know that the others will be wondering what was going on with you and Thorin.
“My King,” you whisper.
Part 4
You stay wrapped in Thorin’s arms for awhile but sadly you realize that you both should get back to Bilbo’s house because you know that the others will be wondering what was going on with you and Thorin.
“Yes, my lady?” he whispers back.
“We should probably head back, the others will be wondering where we are,” you reply while snuggling in deeper to his hold.
He squeezes you and lets out a sigh, “Yes, you are right my lady,” Thorin unwraps his arms from your body and you sigh from the lost of contact with your King. Thorin stands up, offers you his hand and helps you from the chair and leads you to your cloak. Thorin fixes your cloak around your neck and you do the same for him and then walking hand in hand, you head back to Bilbo’s.
You forgo the knocking and just walked in like you own the place, every head whipped to face the two of you. Some of the Dwarfs eyes go to you and Thorin’s clasps hands, Balin has a huge smile on his face and a knowing look in his eyes.
“Thorin, it’s about time that you are your lady came back, we were getting ready to send out a search party.” Gandalf said with a chuckle.
“We had much to speak about,” was Thorin’s reply. He looked over at you and smile which you returned.
You both take a seat at the head of the table, Thorin is given a plate of food and while he eats, you finally learn what all the Dwarfs are doing in Bilbo’s house. They are going on a quest to reclaim their homeland and they had come to Bilbo's because Gandalf had said that he was a worthy burglar to help them on their quest.
“We should probably head back, the others will be wondering where we are,” you reply while snuggling in deeper to his hold.
He squeezes you and lets out a sigh, “Yes, you are right my lady,” Thorin unwraps his arms from your body and you sigh from the lost of contact with your King. Thorin stands up, offers you his hand and helps you from the chair and leads you to your cloak. Thorin fixes your cloak around your neck and you do the same for him and then walking hand in hand, you head back to Bilbo’s.
You forgo the knocking and just walked in like you own the place, every head whipped to face the two of you. Some of the Dwarfs eyes go to you and Thorin’s clasps hands, Balin has a huge smile on his face and a knowing look in his eyes.
“Thorin, it’s about time that you are your lady came back, we were getting ready to send out a search party.” Gandalf said with a chuckle.
“We had much to speak about,” was Thorin’s reply. He looked over at you and smile which you returned.
You both take a seat at the head of the table, Thorin is given a plate of food and while he eats, you finally learn what all the Dwarfs are doing in Bilbo’s house. They are going on a quest to reclaim their homeland and they had come to Bilbo's because Gandalf had said that he was a worthy burglar to help them on their quest.
“Thorin, I will be coming as well,” you say to your King.
“My lady no, it will be too dangerous.” Thorin replied.
“Thorin, you just said that you would never let me leave your arms. So, that means that I’m coming.”
“Oh Malah,” Thorin sighs. “You are right my lady, I did promise you that. Fine, you may come but you need to be safe and by my side at all times. Can you fight?”
“Yes Thorin, I can fight. And you needed worry about me, I survived for a long time in the wild on my own. I will not hinder you or this quests.” You reply.
Thorin just nodded and gave you a quick peck on your cheek. You wondered when you would tell the company the story of you and Thorin. Bilbo took a little bit more convincing to come along but he agreed in the end when you joke that you would protect him at all costs.
You, Thorin, the Dwarfs, Gandalf and Bilbo spend the rest of the night telling stories. The first story that had to be told was that of you and Thorin. Kili and Fili were very pleased that their uncle had finally found his mate and they had already taken to calling you aunt. You told the company tells of your time after you left the castle, Thorin was outraged that you had become friends with the Elves but you made him see reason when you told him how they housed you, protected you and how they would be good allies to have on this quest.
“My lady no, it will be too dangerous.” Thorin replied.
“Thorin, you just said that you would never let me leave your arms. So, that means that I’m coming.”
“Oh Malah,” Thorin sighs. “You are right my lady, I did promise you that. Fine, you may come but you need to be safe and by my side at all times. Can you fight?”
“Yes Thorin, I can fight. And you needed worry about me, I survived for a long time in the wild on my own. I will not hinder you or this quests.” You reply.
Thorin just nodded and gave you a quick peck on your cheek. You wondered when you would tell the company the story of you and Thorin. Bilbo took a little bit more convincing to come along but he agreed in the end when you joke that you would protect him at all costs.
You, Thorin, the Dwarfs, Gandalf and Bilbo spend the rest of the night telling stories. The first story that had to be told was that of you and Thorin. Kili and Fili were very pleased that their uncle had finally found his mate and they had already taken to calling you aunt. You told the company tells of your time after you left the castle, Thorin was outraged that you had become friends with the Elves but you made him see reason when you told him how they housed you, protected you and how they would be good allies to have on this quest.
Before everyone turned in for the night, Thorin sang about the Misty Mountains and the terrible day of Smaug’s attack. You shivered at the memory of that day but also at Thorin’s deep baritone voice. You had always enjoyed his singing and were glad that you were able to hear it again.
Once the song was over, the company divided up, half would be staying at Bilbo’s for the night and the other half would be going with you and Thorin to your house. The half that was coming with you refused at first believing that you and Thorin would like nothing more that to spend this time alone but you knew that Bilbo’s house, though quiet big as it is, wouldn’t be enough room for everyone.
Everyone said goodnight and you, Thorin and Kili, Fili, Ori, Balin and Bofer went to your house with Thorin’s reminder to be up at the crack of dawn. Upon reaching your house, you proved the others with blankets and then you lead Thorin to your room. You kissed Thorin passionately before you guys settled down into bed. You placed your head over Thorin’s heart and snuggled deep into his side. Thorin wrapped his strong arms around you and you let out a contented sign because in his arms, you felt at home and it didn’t take long for either of you to fall asleep.
Friday, 9 January 2015
This I Promise You
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The wedding invitation |
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Felicity's wedding dress |
Summary: The Queen family is proud to announce the marriage of their only son Oliver Queen to Miss Felicity Smoak. You are cordially invited to the wedding of the year. FAGE 007 story written for Little Angry Kitten. AU
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