Thursday 1 October 2015

Writing Motivation

So, recently I have decided to go back and work on my novella, "Celebrity Crush" because I can't seem to get in to my fan fiction stories right now (though that better change and soon because I sighed up to the author story exchange again this year; thankfully I have till Jan to post the story.) I was thinking that maybe, if I can get the first draft done before November, that I can join NANOWRIMO again to see if I can make the story better. I'm going to talk to a fellow writer and see how she goes about getting pre-readers and editors for her novellas and then see about getting it out on the market. I haven't given up my dream of seeing my name on a book; one that doesn't have thousands of mistakes like Lizzy did, but an actual one that people want to buy.

The same writer who I am thinking about talking to once I get the first draft of CC done recently asked for some writing motivation pics and I had fun finding these ones for her that I thought I put them here and come and look at them when I am needing some inspiration; thank god we like the same shows LOL

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